Merqato | Predictive analytics fruit & vegetables
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We match
supply and demand 

with AI powered forecasts

Our platform enables you to improve your supply and demand forecasting by at least 25%. This allows you to optimize your commercial planning, get the best value out of every single product and decrease waste.

Image by Eiliv Aceron

Maximize the value of every product

Our advanced algorithms can accurately forecast future volume and price dynamics and the availability of products. By integrating seamlessly in your workflow, our platform  enables you to optimise the matching of supply and demand get more value for your produce.

Your benefits


Accurate harvest predictions to end spoilage and improve profitability.


Powerful pricing recommendations to capitalise every opportunity.


Precise demand planning to ensure 100% deliveries on customer contract.


AI powered warehouse orders to improve operational efficiencies.

Look further ahead

Merqato offers a forecasting platform for fruit and vegetable supply chains. By using seasonality, historical demand and supply dynamics and weather data we are able to prolong your forecasting horizon from 1 -2 weeks to 4-6 weeks while maintaining the accuracy. 

Image by Jacek Dylag
Image by Louis Hansel

Make better decisions

With predictive analytics and forecasting capabilities, you can anticipate future supply and demand, understand trends and act before the market changes. Examples are more proactive switching of country of origin, better promotion planning for your customers and more visibility on supply anomalies. 

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